Turkey Calling Tactics for Bowhunters
The key to bowhunting turkeys is to get them as close as possible — ideally within 15 yards — to make an ethical shot. The “kill zone” on a turkey is a small…
Staff Writer BowhuntingFeatured March 24, 2025
Offseason Activities for Bowhunters
Autumn’s golden hues might be distant memories, but bowhunting also offers plenty of fun during months not ending in “er.” Scouting, shed hunting, 3D archery, bowfishing and turkey hunting are…
Erik Barber BowhuntingLifestyle February 18, 2025
Training Dogs to Shed Hunt
Late winter is a quiet time for many bowhunters, but it’s rich with excitement for those who use that time to hunt shed antlers. “It’s a lot of fun. It’s…
Staff Writer Bowhunting February 14, 2025
The Traveling Bowhunter’s Guide to Hunting Out of State
There are unique bowhunting opportunities to be found in all 50 states. Different game species live in different habitats and climates, and hunting regulations and license requirements change when you…
Cassie Gasaway BowhuntingFeatured March 5, 2024
New Year, New Bowhunting Goals
Some outsiders think bowhunting is mundane. “All you do is walk in the woods, sit in a tree and wait,” they say. Sure, that might be bowhunting in its most…
Cassie Gasaway BowhuntingFeatured January 4, 2024
Making Sense of Blood Trails: A Guide for Whitetail Recovery
The plan worked perfectly. After hours of studying maps and applying trail camera intel to devise a strategy for your target buck, the hunt finally culminated with him broadside at…
Erik Barber BowhuntingFeatured December 12, 2023
Mark Kenyon’s Strategies for December Bowhunting
It’s true that December bowhunting can be tough, particularly compared with the warm evenings of the early season and the frenzy of the November rut. But you shouldn’t write off…
Cassie Gasaway BowhuntingFeatured December 7, 2023
Stay Tough During the Rut
The rut is finally here. You’ve waited all year and counted down the days to your weeklong vacation that begins in early November, just as the rut is getting into…
Erik Barber BowhuntingFeatured November 28, 2023
Fred Eichler’s Tips for Mastering November Bowhunting
Some say December is the most wonderful time of the year, but most bowhunters would argue in favor of November. You can’t go wrong with phenomenal cold fronts and an…
Cassie Gasaway BowhuntingFeatured November 3, 2023
The Aggressive Rut Hunter’s Toolkit
Sitting quietly in a tree over a well-used deer trail is an incredibly effective bowhunting technique. Diligent bowhunters who put in their time to learn where bucks are moving often…
Joe Shead BowhuntingFeatured October 31, 2023