Election Day Victories for Bowhunters
The 2024 election season is over, and bowhunters were recipients of several major victories across the country this election. Florida secured the right to hunt and fish by passing a…
Hunter Ward Conservation November 21, 2024
Make It Happen: Bowhunt a New Species This Fall
Bowhunters can legally pursue 29 species of big game in North America, but there are many other hunting opportunities including wild turkeys, predators, small game and even introduced species such…
Cassie Gasaway ConservationFeatured April 2, 2024
How to Age a Buck in Real Time
A lot of bowhunters set a goal of harvesting a mature buck. But what exactly does that mean? Biologists divide bucks into three age categories including young, middle-aged and mature….
Jackie Holbrook ConservationFeaturedWild Meat November 7, 2023
Bowhunters United Protects Your Right to Bowhunt. Here’s How.
The right to bowhunt is constantly being challenged in today’s ever-changing society. Bowhunters United, the premier bowhunting organization in America today, protects and defends bowhunters’ rights and represents all bowhunters,…
Cassie Gasaway ConservationFeatured May 2, 2023
Mule Deer Versus White-tailed Deer
The ability to properly identify your target species is part of being an ethical and lawful bowhunter. Identification is especially important in regions where hunters come across species that look…
Jackie Holbrook FeaturedConservation December 27, 2022
19 Ways to Protect the Future of Hunting in America
Sportsmen and women fund outdoor recreation’s future. Every time you buy a hunting license from state fish-and-wildlife agencies, the money goes to the state agency selling them. Likewise, each time…
Cassie Gasaway FeaturedConservation November 29, 2022
Why Harvest Reporting Matters
Wildlife populations weren’t always plentiful and bountiful like they are today. In fact, bison were hunted to near extinction in the late 1800s, and deer and turkey populations also suffered…
Cassie Gasaway FeaturedConservation September 6, 2022
Bowhunters to the Rescue – How Bowhunters Control Deer Populations
Managing wildlife populations is a daunting task that requires an arsenal of tools available to wildlife biologists. State agencies employ biologists to balance a healthy dynamic of wildlife with the…
Erik Barber FeaturedConservation June 14, 2022
Go Native: Plants and Trees to Help Wildlife
Many bowhunters plant food plots to bolster deer nutrition, but they may be missing the big picture. Deer consume about 8 pounds of food per 100 pounds of body weight,…
Joe Shead FeaturedConservation April 27, 2022
All About the North American Model of Conservation
Residents of Canada and the United States are fortunate to have abundant wildlife populations to pursue and plenty of public lands to use and explore. That’s in part thanks to…
Cassie Gasaway FeaturedConservation March 15, 2022