How to Call Turkeys

What comes to mind when you think of spring? Is it blooming flowers or robins greeting you at dawn? For turkey hunters, spring means magic. It’s the wild turkey’s breeding…

  Scott Einsmann   FeaturedHow ToVideo   February 6, 2019

Be a Better You: Take a Bowhunter Education Course

My electronic rangefinder reads my target distance at 13 yards. The deer is broadside. I try to calm my nerves and slowly draw my bow. This is the most nervous…

  Jackie Holbrook   FeaturedBowhunting   February 5, 2019

Is Predator Hunting Important?

Man’s widespread impacts on the natural world make it difficult to leave nature to fend for itself. To maintain balance we must often manage species and entire ecosystems. Mindful, scientific…

  Tyler Ridenour   FeaturedBowhunting   February 1, 2019

These Tasty Recipes are Fit for Venison

One of bowhunting’s major benefits is outstanding table fare. Venison is bowhunting’s most readily available meat, and arguably its most delicious. If you notched a tag last fall and put…

  Tyler Ridenour   FeaturedLifestyle   January 31, 2019

Layer Up for Late-Season Bowhunts

Few memorable hunts occur on 60-degree days. Many come from persevering through snow, freezing rain and plummeting temperatures. Uncomfortable conditions push your limits, and make you feel like you’re really…

  Scott Einsmann   FeaturedHow ToVideo   January 2, 2019

How to Find Hunting Spots on Public Land

Public land has too much hunter pressure. There’s no deer on public land – it’s not worth it. Deer are nocturnal on public land. These common disparaging comments might have…

  Scott Einsmann   FeaturedHow ToVideo   November 28, 2018

When Does My Bow Need New Strings and Cables?

You forgot to set the alarm clock and now you’re running late to work. You grab your coffee and rush out the door to your vehicle. You jam your keys…

  Jackie Holbrook   FeaturedGear   November 6, 2018

How to Adjust a Bow Sight

What’s the difference between accuracy and precision? Accuracy is hitting where you aim. Precision is hitting the same spot every time. Archery requires both. To achieve precision, you need good form and…

  Scott Einsmann   FeaturedHow ToVideo   October 31, 2018

Bowhunting 101: The Beginning Bowhunter’s Checklist

Some people might say I have obsessive-compulsive disorder. I like things to be just so; in line and in order. Everything must be, well … perfect, you know? Archery and…

  Josh Honeycutt   FeaturedLifestyle   June 26, 2018