The right to bowhunt is constantly being challenged in today’s ever-changing society. Bowhunters United, the premier bowhunting organization in America today, protects and defends bowhunters’ rights and represents all bowhunters, regardless of why, how, when or where they participate.
“We must advocate for bowhunting right now to secure its future,” said Jeff Poole, CEO and president of the Archery Trade Association. “It’s urgent. There weren’t many problems facing bowhunting 20 years ago, but there are today. And if the trajectories hold true, we’ll have twice as many problems 20 years from now. We can’t give up ground.”
Bowhunters are part of a broader hunting conservancy, and the hunting community is under multiple direct and indirect threats that jeopardize bowhunting opportunities. Let’s take a look at some forces chipping away parts of our hunting lifestyle.
Thankfully, Bowhunters United protects and defends bowhunters’ rights with unwavering advocacy efforts at the state and federal levels. We reject negative laws that derail bowhunting and promote positive laws that preserve bowhunting by uniting members, partners and bowhunting enthusiasts.
BU’s advocacy webpage lists four to six current issues and keeps a log of dated legislative changes to provide education and keep members in the know. BU also informs and encourages members to take action through our Action Alert System. BU members who opted in to get emails receive messages with background information on issues. Then, with a few clicks they can send a prewritten message to their representatives voicing support or opposition for the issues.
Thanks to our partnerships, action alerts and efforts to inform and educate members, we make it easy for individuals and partners to take action, which helps preserve and strengthen the future of our sport. The collective voices of all our partners and members are much stronger than the voice of BU alone.
Join BU now to hold the line for current and future bowhunters. As a BU member, you help defend your favorite pastime, get important bowhunting-related updates, and receive action alerts on critical issues, which explain how to take action against potentially destructive policies. BU members are also encouraged to connect with us.
Your insights help us stay abreast of current issues. Connecting with us also gives us the opportunity to provide further education, connect you to like-minded individuals or partners and share news of critical bowhunting threats with our partners for additional support.
“Our members don’t have to act alone,” Poole said. “When members communicate with us, we can respond and engage the broader outdoor recreation community thanks to our platform and industry position. Our combined voices and efforts will create favorable changes and help people understand how important bowhunting is to individuals, conservation and the environment.”
Visit for more information or contact ATA’s Aimie Loehnig at if you have advocacy questions or want BU’s help addressing a bowhunting threat.