Thank you for supporting Bowhunters United

100% of all donations directly benefits the sport of bowhunting through grassroots initiatives and legislative work on behalf of our members. With donations like yours, we are able to:

  • Address hot-topic legislative issues that affect bowhunting.
  • Educate non-hunters on how the sport of bowhunting contributes to wildlife conservation and management.
  • Provide verified and trusted information and education through our network.
  • Train community organizations and provide equipment to mainstream bowhunting in local programming.
  • Bridge the gap between recreational shooters and bowhunters through proven mentorship programs.
  • Provide archery range and program grants to increase bowhunter participation.

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Contributions, gifts or membership dues made or paid to the Bowhunters United are not refundable or
transferable and are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes.